

Generally the absolute value of slip is much lower than 1 and, consequently, Pr is only a fraction of Ps. Since Tm is positive for power generation and since ωs is positive and constant for a constant frequency grid voltage, the sign of Pr is a function of the slip sign. Pr is positive for negative slip (speed greater than synchronous speed) and it is negative for positive slip (speed lower than synchronous speed). For super-synchronous speed operation, Pr is transmitted to DC bus capacitor and tends to rise the DC voltage. For sub-synchronous speed operation, Pr is taken out of DC bus capacitor and tends to decrease the DC voltage. Cgrid is used to generate or absorb the power Pgc in order to keep the DC voltage constant. In steady-state for a loss less AC/DC/AC converter Pgc is equal to Pr and the speed of the wind turbine is determined by the power Pr absorbed or generated by Crotor. The power control will be explained below. The phase-sequence of the AC voltage generated by Crotor is positive for sub-sync
提問者:網(wǎng)友 2018-07-22
通常滑動(dòng)的絕對(duì)值比1,并且,因而, Pr Ps的低僅分?jǐn)?shù)。 因?yàn)門m為電力發(fā)動(dòng)是正面的,并且,因?yàn)棣豷是正面和常數(shù)為恒定的頻率柵壓,Pr的標(biāo)志是滑動(dòng)標(biāo)志的作用。 Pr為消極滑動(dòng)(速度大于同步轉(zhuǎn)速)是正面的,并且它為正面滑動(dòng)(速度更低比同步轉(zhuǎn)速)是消極的。 為超級(jí)同步速度操作, Pr被傳達(dá)給DC公共汽車電容器并且傾向于上升直流電壓。 為次級(jí)同步速度操作, Pr被采取在DC公共汽車電容器外面并且傾向于減少直流電壓。 Cgrid用于產(chǎn)生或吸收力量Pgc為了保留直流電壓常數(shù)。在穩(wěn)定為損失較少AC/DC/AC交換器Pgc與Pr是相等的,并且風(fēng)渦輪的速度取決于力量Crotor吸收或引起的Pr。 電能控制下面將解釋。 crotor引起的交流電壓的階段序列為次級(jí)同步速度和陰性是正面的為超級(jí)同步速度。 這電壓頻率與柵格頻率和滑動(dòng)的絕對(duì)值的產(chǎn)品是相等的。 Crotor和Cgrid有產(chǎn)生或吸收無(wú)功功率的能力,并且可能使用控制無(wú)功功率或電壓在柵格終端。


